Leib v2.00

[ English | French | Japanese]

Use Leib | Download

The Leib is a handy tool for mixing images and sounds.
You can use Leib on the Internet or download it .
The offline mode enables you to personalize Leib with our own sounds or graphics without any coding !


Leib is a graphical piano. It enables you to play with forms and sounds.


Requires Macromedia Flash Player 5.00 [ download ]

Using Leib

You only have to press the right key !

Note: F11 / Full Screen Mode (Internet Explorer only)

 Numeric Keypad
1..9 move
5 change color
- zoom out
+ zoom in
/ rotate clockwise
* rotate contrary clockwise
0 generate item
. remove item
left part sound library
T text
H help
M mute
N concrete / orchestral mode
space change item
 Arrow key
left alpha --
right alpha ++
up remove all


Some examples of Leib's use
[click images to enlarge]

[ click images to enlarge]  

Edit your own graphic / sound (offline mode)

Edit graphics

Leib uses a library ( directory ./lib ) composed of 12 drawings (Flash Format .swf)
You can freely change theses files with your own drawings using the .swf format.

Edit sounds

Leib uses a sound library (directory ./sound ) composed of 12 loops (Flash Format .swf)
You can freely change theses files with your own loops using the .swf format.

Edit text

You can also edit the text file "leib.txt" ( directory ./text ) to display your own messages.

Credit and Contact

		Design & Coding:    erational  [ http://www.0vs1.com ]
		Sound design:       John Hudak [ http://www.johnhudak.net ]
Next version will include more libraries
Bugz, ideas, any comments are welcome ...
Please me send your feedback at erational@freebox.org

[ English | French | Japanese]